Do You Have Musical Dreams?

If you have musical dreams and you are caught up in the fear of failure, read on.

The fear of failure is often an obstacle that we face with our creative pursuits and dreams. Fear shows up when we are uncertain of the outcome as well as being in a new and often unknown territory.

The fact is even the greatest and most successful musicians have all had to deal with their share of rejection, setbacks and moments of self-doubt. Those who are successful are the ones that were willing to confront any and all challenges head-on.

When you change your perspective on the fear of failure, success will be yours. Rather than saying “this is the end of the road” change your view and say “this is a necessary part of my journey.”

I had my share of setbacks. Whether I made errors, lost bandmates or faced rejection, all were experiences to learn and grow, They were my stepping stones toward my ultimate goal. You need to embrace setbacks in order to learn from them and allow them to fuel your fire toward your progress.

The most challenging aspect of pursuing your musical dreams is taking that first step. Once that step is taken you continue to put one foot in front of the other (yes, I’m singing that in ny head at the moment) and keep moving forward.

Look at your musical dreams and be sure to set a realistic goal. Once you have that goal, break it down and categorize it into smaller and more achievable goals. This will allow your end goal to be much more manageable,

Make time to practice regularly and be persistent. With consistency and practice, you will not only boost your self-confidence but you will increase your skill and perfect your craft day-by-day.

Always have people around you for support, encouragement and guidance. When you feel like giving up, they will allow you to see that giving up is not an option.

As with anything in life, stay positive. Always focus on your progress. Dwelling on past mistakes will not get you anywhere. Remember that old saying about not looking in the rearview mirror.

Always remember your passion for music. Allow your passion to be the driving force that pushes you down the road towards your goal even when you experience a setback,

In order to conquer your fear of failure, you will need to achieve and maintain self-confidence. Self-confidence is necessary and so important, both artistically and for personal growth. Once you feel self-confident, continue with your progress. Welcome any new challenges and conquer them. Confidence is a dynamic mindset and it is a powerful catalyst which will bring you to greater heights.

Embrace your self-confidence and fearlessness on your journey. By doing so, you will reach your full potential and you will create a path which others will find inspiring, Your great personal journey will absolutely inspire others,

Never allow fear to be the reason you abandon your dream. Embrace any possible errors and setbacks as a learning experience. By doing so, you allow yourself to take that first step which is necessary for success. Remember it’s perfectly fine to make mistakes, to have setbacks and to face rejection. In the end, they will all be part of your individual story and will make your achievement that much more meaningful.

Never allow fear to hold you back from your musical dream. Allow fear to be your driving force that moves you forward.

Embrace the fear of failure and the unknown. Learn from any setbacks you experience and always allow your passion for music to be your guide.

Your musical dreams are attainable. You just have to take that first step.


Intention is Our North Star


The Lamplighter